Salvia dwarf red has bright, long-lasting spikes of bright red flowers that bloom during the warmer months. This plant is early to flower and stays fresh in the garden. Its dwarf size makes it the perfect choice for garden borders and beds. This shrub will grow to 35 cm. It requires little maintenance and is easy to grow. Here’s how to grow Salvia dwarf red in your garden: Start by spacing the plants about one to three feet apart. Then, mulch the ground around the plants to retain moisture. Don’t water them too much in the summer as they don’t like excess moisture. Also, don’t fertilize your plant during the season, though you should deadhead the spent flowers to encourage continuous blooms and feeding the birds.
Salvia dwarf red needs full sun and partial shade, but it grows best in partial shade. A soil rich in organic matter is ideal, but it doesn’t have to be wet to thrive. The best location for this perennial is near a sunny window. The flowers are fragrant and will attract hummingbirds and other wildlife. It can tolerate drought, but it also likes to grow in shade. If you don’t have a sunny area, plant cuttings in pots and place them near a window for best results.
Salvia dwarf red can reach as high as eight feet tall. They grow as perennials and bloom in the spring, summer and fall. The flowers appear in clusters, up to eight inches above the foliage. The flowers are 1/2 to two inches long, tubular in shape, and grow in pairs. The leaves are medium green and slightly toothed. The flower spikes are slender and are borne in clusters of four to six flowers per stem.
Salvia dwarf red grows to about four feet tall and is a perennial. It needs little care and is hardy in USDA Hardiness Zone 5. The plant grows rapidly, and is easy to transplant. The plant also does well in a container. When planted in a pot, the stems should be trimmed and replanted in early spring. In order to make sure it is growing healthy, divide the clump every two years.
When planting Salvia dwarf red, consider its size and location. The plant will grow in partial shade, but it will benefit from more sunlight than a shaded plant. The soil should be well-drained and loamy, and it should have a moist environment. For the best results, it’s best to plant it near the back of a border or garden bed. Once it has grown, it will continue to bloom throughout the summer.
If you want to grow Salvia dwarf red, you’ll need to choose a location that receives full sun. The plant is suited to gardens in zones 5 and will bloom from mid-summer until frost. Its foliage will be about eight inches tall and will be a bright red shade. It’s a great choice for a border. And don’t forget to try some of the other plants.